Posts Tagged: characters

Zeek Braverman’s Sandals

Feb 5th, 2015

Zeek Braverman’s Sandals

The finale of NBC's Parenthood was the end of one of the most emotionally complicated series on television. Here's a consideration, via the footwear choices of one Zeek Braverman.

P.O.V. part I: The Who and the What

Feb 13th, 2013

P.O.V. part I: The Who and the What

Point of View is tricky for some people. Whose story is this? Why is it being told that way? Let's demystify!

Feb 3rd, 2012

Ask A Seasoned Semi-Pro: Bad Love, Scary Tasks

Two questions from Twitter this week! What are the pitfalls of loving a main character too much? And how do you write a big thing (vs. a small thing)? I give my four cents!